Just in from CNN:
BREAKING: Results of CNN-ORC post-debate poll of debate watchers. Who won debate? Obama 48, Romney 40. +/- 4.5% #CNNDebateIf this snap poll had the same heavily Republican composition as CNN's snap poll of the last debate, then this is a huge Obama victory.
UPDATE 1: Okay, now we know it was a clear Obama win. David Gergen tweets:
CNN poll finds clear Obama win. But also finds that both Romney passed the Commander in Chief test for majority polledHere's what he's referring to:
More of CNN post debate Poll: Can Obama handle job of Cmdr. in Chief? Yes: 63%. Can Romney? Yes: 60%.So, more people think Obama passed the test than Romney = It's a clear Romney victory!
UPDATE 2: Another reason we know we won is CNN declares it too close to call, thus contradicting their own poll and themselves in just a few short lines:
A CNN/ORC International Poll following Monday's presidential debate found those who watched the third and final head-to-head matchup of President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney did not identify a clear winner.Sweet Lordy McGordy, CNN, even Fox wouldn't pull something like that.Debate viewers split 48% for Obama and 40% for Romney in the poll, a margin within the sampling error of plus or minus 4.5%
Shorter CNN: Please God, HORSE RACE.