This was the last debate of the 2012 Presidential campaign. We observed a President Obama that was cool, calm and collected. It was obvious that this President has a grasp on foreign policy, perhaps a better grasp than any other president in history, especially given the fact that in a 2012 world there is a conglomerate of issues and challenges that are unique to a modern world that requires dealing with terrorism on various fronts, whether it’s on the Internet or the traditional methods on the ground, in the air, or on the seas. On the contrary we saw a disheveled Willard “Mitt” Romney. A Romney that was at times so upset that he stuttered, turned red, broke sweat and lost focus. We saw a Romney attempting to mirror President Obama; something akin to hanging on for dear life to the President’s coattails as the President deftly moved from region to region and proudly touted his foreign policy achievements.
Romney’s constant change in positions during this campaign reminds me of the following joke: A moderate, a liberal and a conservative walk into a bar, the bartender yells, “Hello Mr. Romney.”
There were many occasions where President Obama verbally spanked Mitt Romney, but what were we to expect from a President who doesn’t just offer lip service but one that has created world changing events like bringing to an end the Iraq war, weakening Al Qaeda and killing Osama Bin Laden.
It’s clear who took who to task in this debate. It was also clear that President Obama is the right person to keep us safe and take us into the future for the next four years.
I would like to congratulate President Obama for his victory in this debate.
Carlos E. Galindo is a radio talk show host & political analyst conducting radio shows in both English and Spanish on four radio stations in Arizona. Mr. Galindo is a weekly contributor to KPFK 98.7 FM Los Angeles and W60 AM Radio, Los Angeles, San Diego and has appeared on CNN, Univision and Telemundo as a political analyst. Mr. Galindo is also an Op-Ed columnist on Prensa Hispana and the Tucson Citizen in Arizona. Carlos Galindo is President and founder of the Immigrant Advocacy Foundation, Inc.